
Ladies, here’s why dating a younger guy is a lot more fun than you think.

Nivi Shrivastava, Oct 13 2020

The good and the bad things about dating in this century are “no rules, no bars.” If your heart wants what it wants, go for it.

The good and the bad things about dating in this century are “no rules, no bars.

The first date fails that are certified red flags

Nivi Shrivastava, Oct 09 2020

First date jitters are the real deal, and if there’s one thing you should always do on such occasions is listen to your gut feeling.

First date jitters are the real deal, and if there...

What is a used panty fetish? And, Why You Should Sell Yours!, Oct 07 2020

Have you ever wondered what is a used panty fetish? What kind of person is into paying for used pant...

Have you ever wondered what is a used panty fetish...

Overcome Your Negative Thoughts on Dating

Martha Tara Lee, Sep 14 2020

Why do I keep attracting ‘losers’, or the ‘wrong person’, you might ask (pattern)? Why are everybody...

Why do I keep attracting ‘losers’, or the ‘wrong p...

The challenges of swinging: dating, health aspects, allusions & publicity

Andrew Yaroshenko, Sep 14 2020

Being a swinger in a sex-positive state when surrounded by people who have no scruples about writing or talking on sexual diversity is easy.

Being a swinger in a sex-positive state when surro...

Hitting on someone: What it is? and how to be better at it?

Chetana Chaudhury, Aug 24 2020

The art of flirting is lost. And according to me, the major reason is with the advent of hitting on someone.

The art of flirting is lost. And according to me, the major reason is with the advent of hitting on someone.

COVID Connections

#open, Aug 15 2020

The world and our daily routines are changing fast — these are uncertain and unusual times, as everyone keeps saying.

The world and our daily routines are changing fast...

Can You be Racist and Date Interracially?

Tatyannah King, Jul 29 2020

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Racism. I am a black woman who has dated outside my race a few times, specifically white men.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Racism.

Sex and dating as a single parent: tips for finding balance

Ailsa Keppie, Jul 06 2020

So many parts about single parenting are challenging that it’s hard to even think much about dating or sex.

So many parts about single parenting are challengi...

How to date when you are a feminist

Joanna Anagnostou, Mar 28 2020

Sometimes it can be hard to date when you are a feminist. If you put this in your bio on a dating app, you might see lesser matches. It may even provoke some rude messages or heated arguments. People can be put off when they hear the word feminist.

Sometimes it can be hard to date when you are a feminist. If you put this in your bio on a dating app, you might see lesser matches. It may even provoke some rude messages or heated arguments. People can be put off when they hear the word feminist.