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Sex, relationship and dating can be simple or complicated depending upon how much is worked out.

Some evidence suggests that the ability to form a stable relationship starts in infancy, in the form of early child-care. All exists because of the desire of being loved, cherished and needed. And, then there are Romantic relationships, yes the one that makes you dance on the street, makes you all happy and energetic, makes you cry and feel jealous, feel heartbreak and despair. We often are bogged down by questions like How to spice up my sexual life?, How to keep the energy levels high? or How to ignite the lost passion?, Do everyone goes through this or is it just happening to me? And can we have a relationship without sex?

Frequently Asked Questions

It is absolutely okay. Given that the society has formed the compulsion of people being in a relationship or family, it can feel difficult. But it is completely fine.

The best way is to get in touch with the emotions and feelings of the partner. Find out if your partner is interested or not interested in sex. Try to check your compatibility. See if you are comfortable in trying different things

It depends if you are okay with it. There is nothing wrong with polyamory, but if you feel uncomfortable, you need to voice the opinion.

Stories on this topic

5 Ways to Make Sex With Condoms Hotter

Shakun, Apr 26 2023

Condoms are a hot topic these days, but not for the reasons you might think. People are talking about them because they make things more exciting in bed.

Condoms are a hot topic these days, but not for the reasons you might think.

Introducing Sex Toys in Your Relationship Breaking the Stigma

Tina Mortensen, Mar 03 2022

Sex is a vital part of many relationships. It’s good for our bodies and minds and it helps us relax and work away all the stress that’s been piling up within.

Sex is a vital part of many relationships.

What It's Like Being Married to Someone Who Has Herpes: Interview with Bill Gaylord

Alexandra Harbushka, Nov 16 2021

The Real Deal From Someone Who Doesn’t Have Herpes But is Married To Someone Who DoesThis was such a fun interview to do because I got to interview my favorite person in the world, my husband.

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Different Types of Lubes And Their Advantages

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jun 29 2021

Lubricants or lubes are one of the many ways to improve and make your sex life better.

Lubricants or lubes are one of the many ways to improve and make your sex life better.

How to Open up to Your Partner About Your Sexual Fantasies?

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jun 25 2021

We tend to feel embarrassed about our sexual fantasies. One of the reasons you may feel uncomfortable about sharing your kinks is a fear of being rejected because of them or being misunderstood.

We tend to feel embarrassed about our sexual fantasies.

Impact of communication in building relationships

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jun 23 2021

The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.- George Bernard Shaw Communication is an integral part of every relationship.

The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

Sex headache: Causes and Treatment

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jun 18 2021

Sex headache is a condition that can be a barrier between you and your orgasms. It is no joke. It's an actual condition that requires medical attention.

Sex headache is a condition that can be a barrier between you and your orgasms. It is no joke.

How can you create the perfect sex playlist?

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jun 11 2021

When you and your partner are about to get intimate, why not spice it up a little with a sex playlis...

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First Date Questions: Four Ways to Tell if He’s Commitment Material

Dr. Diana Kirschner, Jun 02 2021

Are you tired of men who seem to want something long-term with you only to disappear? Guys who say one thing but do another. Those that run for the hills when things start to deepen.

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Sexual wellbeing experts on this topic

Lindsay Michelle

Domina Doll

Matilda Swinney

Russell Stambaugh

Martha Tara Lee

Podcasts on this topic