Vivian Haze on TickleLife

Vivian Haze

PrettyDirty is a gentle(ish) femdom project by Effi and Viv, an artist/writer duo with a soft spot for kinky femdom erotica with a feminist twist. We are childhood friends that just couldn't find enough material to scratch a very specific itch. So we decided to be proactive and contribute <3 More specifically, Viv is an erotica ghostwriter that finally decided to come out of the closet. She also has a degree in Anthropology that look absolutely stunning on our bedroom wall. Effi is a comic artist and illustrator, that accepted to indulge Viv's fetish and eventually got drawn in by the wonderful world of gentle(ish) femdom and soft domination. Erotica written by women for women is extremely underrepresented in the femdom community: in mainstream content, the feminine remains an object, instead of subject as she responds to the specific standards of a traditionally male fantasy. In our efforts we try to address the issue, shifting the power inherent in the looker-looked at dynamic, as well as exploring new fantasies and engaging with a (hopefully) growing community.

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