
LGBTQ+ couples: Strengthening bonds and building relationships

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jun 24 2021

Regardless of your sexual orientation or preferences, you have to work on building your relationship effectively. Here, the focus has to be on developing the bond that you share with your partner.

Regardless of your sexual orientation or preferenc...

Best Sex-Positive Stories 2020

Mehdi Moosvi, Jan 05 2021

Truly 2020 has been hard and unpredictable.

Truly 2020 has been hard and unpredictable.

Coming Out: planning ahead, testing the waters, environment, support systems, and safety.

Vyom Raisurana, Oct 17 2020

Coming out of the closet can be an intimidating and daunting process for many. Hiding or lying about one’s identity can be a very frustrating experience.

Coming out of the closet can be an intimidating and daunting process for many.

What is LGBTQ?

Chetana Chaudhury, Oct 03 2020

The way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you is called ‘Identity’.

The way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you is called ‘Identity’.

What does each letter in LGBTQ stand for?

Chetana Chaudhury, Oct 01 2020

LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer/questioning. The term has been in use since the 1990s and is an up-gradation to the term LGB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual).

LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer/questioning.

“Who threw the brick?”

Vyom Raisurana, Oct 01 2020

An insight into the Stonewall Uprising of 1969 in the LGBT rights movement- its impact and who reall...

An insight into the Stonewall Uprising of 1969 in ...

Explained: Mono-sexuality-gay, lesbian, heterosexual

Chetana Chaudhury, Jun 24 2020

"The beauty of standing up for your rights is others see you standing and stand up as well." And Pride month celebrates the same.

"The beauty of standing up for your rights is others see you standing and stand up as well.

Forbidden Fruit - An Anecdote

Renee, Oct 27 2019

Growing up homosexual can get really difficult when you start to feel sparks for your straight friends. Renee recalls her early explorative days ro shed light on this.

Growing up homosexual can get really difficult when you start to feel sparks for your straight friends. Renee recalls her early explorative days ro shed light on this.

A Tribute to all the Women who Spoke up for Lesbian Rights

Joanna Anagnostou, Oct 21 2019

In honour of LGBT History Month, we want to acknowledge some of these queer womxn and celebrate their successes that have had an impact on society as we know it.

In honour of LGBT History Month, we want to acknowledge some of these queer womxn and celebrate their successes that have had an impact on society as we know it.