
Essential Tips for Healthy Relationships in the Modern Dating Scene

TickleLife Editorial Team, Jul 06 2023

In today's bustling world, navigating the intricacies of modern relationships can seem like a challenging labyrinth.

In today's bustling world, navigating the intricac...

5 Ways to Make Sex With Condoms Hotter

Shakun, Apr 26 2023

Condoms are a hot topic these days, but not for the reasons you might think. People are talking about them because they make things more exciting in bed.

Condoms are a hot topic these days, but not for the reasons you might think.

What It's Like Being Married to Someone Who Has Herpes: Interview with Bill Gaylord

Alexandra Harbushka, Nov 16 2021

The Real Deal From Someone Who Doesn’t Have Herpes But is Married To Someone Who DoesThis was such a fun interview to do because I got to interview my favorite person in the world, my husband.

The Real Deal From Someone Who Doesn’t Have Herpes...

Consummate Love: How Couples Keep Passion Burning

Dr. Diana Kirschner, May 24 2021

Like a crusader, I’ve dedicated the last 30+ years of my life to finding the holy grail of consummate love. Armed with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, I realized success leaves secrets.

Like a crusader, I’ve dedicated the last 30+ years...

Masturbation and Marriage

David Ley, Mar 26 2021

Masturbation serves differing roles in marriage; for women, it primes the pump.

Masturbation serves differing roles in marriage; for women, it primes the pump.

Week #2: My Sexual Needs vs. the Bills & Jets Football Game

Dr. Trina Read, Mar 04 2021

Part of my Six Month Sex Challenge is to make one week about my sexual needs and the alternative week about what my husband would like. So to start, this week is all about me. Me, me, me, me.

Part of my Six Month Sex Challenge is to make one ...

Overcome Your Negative Thoughts on Dating

Martha Tara Lee, Sep 14 2020

Why do I keep attracting ‘losers’, or the ‘wrong person’, you might ask (pattern)? Why are everybody...

Why do I keep attracting ‘losers’, or the ‘wrong p...

What does a sex positive romance look like in 2020?

Joanna Anagnostou, Sep 03 2020

When you think of romance, you might think of romance’s you saw in classic rom coms from the 90s and 00s.

When you think of romance, you might think of roma...

Do we create conflict when we really want connection?

Ailsa Keppie, Aug 24 2020

The older I get, the more humble I become about my own behaviour. Recently I have been finding myself in many conflicts, especially in my close relationships.

The older I get, the more humble I become about my own behaviour.

First-Hand Stories About Open Relationship Challenges

Andrew Yaroshenko, Aug 18 2020

open relationship challengesopen relationship advicebeing in an open relationshipdo open relationships work Open relationships challenge any couple’s zone of comfort and daily routine.

open relationship challengesopen relationship advi...