
What It's Like Being Married to Someone Who Has Herpes: Interview with Bill Gaylord

Alexandra Harbushka, Nov 16 2021

The Real Deal From Someone Who Doesn’t Have Herpes But is Married To Someone Who DoesThis was such a fun interview to do because I got to interview my favorite person in the world, my husband.

The Real Deal From Someone Who Doesn’t Have Herpes...

How to Talk About Sex: Sexual Conversation Starters

Andrew Yaroshenko, Mar 24 2021

In case reading the article “Let’s talk about sex – 5 reasons to have sexual communication” has enco...

In case reading the article “Let’s talk about sex ...

Using your words: 5 ways to have better conversations about sex

Georgie Wolf, Sep 07 2020

Sex is better when we understand each other. To do that, we need to talk. My first boyfriend at university was one delightfully kinky bastard. He was twenty-three and wore a lot of black leather.

Sex is better when we understand each other. To do that, we need to talk.

What is Asexuality?

Chetana Chaudhury, Sep 03 2020

Are you romantically attracted to someone but do not feel the urge to act on those feelings? Then you might be one of the 1% of human population who identifies themselves as asexual.

Are you romantically attracted to someone but do not feel the urge to act on those feelings? Then you might be one of the 1% of human population who identifies themselves as asexual.

Thank you for visiting

Anonymous, Jun 09 2019

Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected

Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected