
Porn VS Reality

Author :- Anonymous June 10, 2020, 9:50 a.m.
Porn VS Reality

Is porn the reality?

Everything that I knew about the TABOO sex, when I was a teenager was through internet.Porn played a major role in it. It all began when I was around 15, I was introduced to the 'Porn sites'. My friends who introduced me to porn which changed my opinion about SEX all together. I was not alone, everybody of my age was messed up with wrong information about the act. Being a teenage, peer pressure plays a very big part in your decisions, Porn became a fixture. Till date I am not sure if I was more inquisitive or grossed out.

How it affected the image of MYSELF for me
As a kid either you learn things from television or from your parents or friends. The
environment that we live in plays a vital role in developing a child's mind.
When I watched porn I saw that everybody who was involved in it was perfect. They weren't shapeless. They had big boobs, guys had big dicks, they didn't have stretch marks on their bum cheeks or boobs and all that really mattered was to 'cum' in the end.
That started giving me doubts about the imperfect body that I had and made me less
confident about myself. I thought to myself, “I am not in shape, my boobs are small, I have stretch marks on my bum cheeks”.
I was living in a bubble which should have burst at the right time. I became an introvert.
College life was no different. At the onset I would check other women and feel wow she has better boobs, just like the one I saw in one of the porn videos.
Porn gave me unrealistic expectations. It made me feel imperfect and that I will never even find a lover who would think my body is perfect.

How porn affected my sex life and my relationships .
In porn, the sex they have, the positions, every sound, every move they make is planned. It’s all the good parts and edited versions of the multiple takes. There are no emotions, no
connections involved. It is all scripted and done under the supervision of a producer, camera man, light person, director, etc.

Porn videos are all male centered, no other movie objectify women as bad as porn industry does. For them women are objects of pleasure. Porn builds such an unrealistic world for both men and women they start treating each other the same way. They start taking relationships as if they are whole solely depended on sex. I agree sex is important but the feelings attached to it, is too.Influence from porn has lead to sexual anxiety and pressure to reach the same level of arousal and excitement as your favourite porn star. When you're at an impressionable age,these things impact your mind and your view of society changes to an ir-reversible state. So my thought of making love was 'If you make someone cum then only the person will be satisfied'.
When I first lost my virginity, instead of enjoying it, I was thinking, “Oh this is how it feels”. It looked fun in the porn.
Sooner I realised sex is nowhere near to what porn shows. Sex is a way of connecting better with your loved one.

Porn is good but to a limit where it isn’t affecting your real life. 
For better understanding as to how porn affects ones sex life and relations, following articles have help me:
 Top 10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, Your Marriage, and Your Sex Life
 GQ Magazine tells men: Quit watching porn before it ruins your sex life
 How watching porn may affect your sex life

Why sex education is important?
When I first had sex, I had so many questions in my mind which were only answered when I had sex. I realised then and there how important it is for schools and colleges to have sex education in their circular and how important parents should start talking about sex instead of shying away.
It is always said that, whenever you go for an interview always read a little about the
company you want to work with. It’s the same case with sex. Being involved in an act which is life changing, you need to know what you are getting into.
Like I said, a child learns from seeing people around him. If, for instance, people around him are afraid of talking about sex openly, he will always be afraid of mentioning it to them and will learn things which can, or cannot be true. It’s better to educate your child by yourself rather than letting porn teach him/her the unrealistic concepts.
I now leave it up you to answer. Why sex education is important and how porn is affecting our life.
Like Pitbull mentioned in one of his songs. 'Fuck Like a Pornstar'. Is it really safe anymore?