
Masturbating Without Shame is the Greatest Feeling in the World

Author :- Chetana Chaudhury Feb. 27, 2021, 4:03 p.m.
Masturbating Without Shame is the Greatest Feeling in the World

It feels good pulling on these muscles, it feels better than worrying about who is watching and shame blocks our connection with ourselves. 

So repeat with me - 'Shame? Oh, what is that!?'

The pleasure without any cost and burden of shame tastes the sweetest and is near to the feeling of heaven. Ever wondered, why feel gruesome, dirty, or ashamed about seeking pleasure inside your room, in your privacy? Pleasure such as touching your own body, touching yourself is half felt if it's loathed with shame. 

Already a lot of people feel embarrassed to talk about their sexual desires, identities, fantasies, and topics like HIV, pregnancy, masturbation, etc. This is completely fine to feel likewise. But when people feel that it's a crime to seek pleasure for your own body and own self then such claims come with a big humiliation and charge on oneself like 'shame.' Whereas we already are doing our kinks and pleasure-seeking activities by hiding inside our rooms. 

We often feel guilty while talking about the basic needs, needs of our body, sexualities, sexual empowerment, what makes us feel comfortable, what are the activities that make us reach our peak of happiness or elation, whereas these topics hold an important aspect in our lives. These are not just to be discussed when we talk about 'Sex Education' but generally to be discussed and taught about regularly. Only then can we curb out the shame that people might hold in their hearts.

Masturbation is commonly done by touching, stroking, or massaging the genitals until an orgasm is achieved. (Sexual climax) It's an act for sexual pleasure, arousal, and sexual relief. 

Masturbation is something very normal which sexually active people do and should not be viewed as taboo. The act of masturbation can be altered with different kinds of sex toys and lubes to take the game to a high notch! 

“The reason self-stimulation works so well is that you are the only one involved.” So ladies and gentlemen - no more worrying about 'Am I looking too fat?' 'Am I looking good?'. 

Less shame=Less worry. 

Any pleasure-seeking activity done to benefit oneself and not harming anyone should indeed be done without shame. And is the greatest feeling in the world. 

Masturbation is good for health and there are a lot of benefits of the same: It is a good mood elevator and an excellent stress buster. It also helps improve sexual relationships with your partner. It helps prevent urinary tract infection, the risk of having prostate cancer is also reduced, burns calories, and enhances your immune system. So if masturbation is giving you so much in return then why attach shame with it? Self-pleasure is healthy. A thing or act handled with care and no obsession, full of fun, exploration should ever be much stressed on. 

Masturbation is something of a fruit cake, which both men and women can equally relish. ;) It's very clear that the more we talk about masturbation, the more normal it will sound. Our human body is designed in such a way that we have direct access to our genitals, so why not enjoy this inherited gift of nature? Believe no witchcraft & magician who tells you that masturbation is a sin. 

Let’s spread the word and eradicate this lack of knowledge, that masturbation is no less than a magic wand, it's pious. It's your bodily right!! 

Masturbation will evoke your sensitivity. Shame is more of a psychological issue than a physical one. You need to stop and ask yourself, whose voice in your head is stopping you from self-juicing? Like just before the act, what are your thoughts, what is that thing which is dragging you to self-loathe or guilt trip? A critical parent or caretaker? What is the “crime” being committed here? Are you ignoring something else you “should” be doing instead? All these questions are important in a manner to rule out your feeling of shame and the association of shame with self-pleasure. 

Source: freepik

It could also be you are inheriting shame around sex and pleasure from implicit or explicit family beliefs that may be built from childhood or maybe you never came to know you learned this behavior from your peer group. But just like meditation, yoga, and any other self-care activities. We need to understand that seeking pleasure, indulging in solo sex is just another way out to 'self-care'. 

Masturbating without shame will be the greatest feeling in the world only when you will see that masturbation is a self-care and self-love activity! 

Yes, let's get a little selfish; let's put ourselves first before anyone.  So baby you need to pamper yourself a little bit after all that Monday Machine you become and stress your nerves, now relieve your brains out.

Also read "How I Found Sexual Empowerment Through Masturbation"

Cover photo by Pexels