
Explained: Bisexual, Bi-gender, Gender fluid

Author :- Chetana Chaudhury June 22, 2020, 4:20 p.m.
Explained: Bisexual, Bi-gender, Gender fluid

What does it mean to identify as Bisexual, Bi-gender, or Gender fluid?

June is known as Pride month. Each day in this month, we celebrate a different form of love, gender, and acceptance. In my opinion, Pride month is a very important topic to discuss because many don’t know the importance of love. Knowing about various identity options is hence not only empowering, but can help you in your journey to explore yourself!

By this one can acknowledge and celebrate the differences amongst people.

So let’s begin this interesting journey to know what meaning these terms hold?


The term “bisexual” is used to describe a person who experiences emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to, or engages in romantic or sexual relationships with, more than one gender. 

Most bisexual people start out feeling very confused about their attraction towards people of both sexes, wondering, “Is something wrong with me?”

Some spend their entire lives in this stage, hiding their sexual orientation, feeling isolated and alone with the inner turmoil over their “dual attractions.”  

Many go through life identifying as straight, or as gay or lesbian in order to be accepted and fit in.  Because their own experience does not conform to either community, they feel intense pressure to choose one and identify with it.  

The important thing to remember is that there's nothing wrong with any sexual orientation. For some people, their sexual orientation might stay the same throughout their life.


Bi-gender is a gender identity which can be literally translated as 'two genders' or 'double gender'. Bi-gender people experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities could be male and female, but could also include non-binary identities.

Bigender people can be any sexuality, and should not be confused with bisexual. 

The terms “bigender” and “bisexual” can be confusing for some people because of the incorrect belief that sex and gender are the same. However, don’t think that you can use them interchangeably because they entail very different characteristics. 

A bigender person can identify as one gender on some days and then another gender the next day, but it’s possible for them to be attracted to only one gender. On the other hand, a bisexual person can be a cisgender male or female, transgender, non-binary, or a person of any gender who is attracted to all genders.

Gender fluid:

Denoting or relating to a person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed gender. The term gender-fluid spread with the understanding that gender was not binary (only and always male or female) and not necessarily tied to physical sex characteristics. 

A person isn’t considered gender-fluid just because they like to wear typically masculine clothing one day and feminine clothing the next day—that is considered a form of gender expression. To be gender-fluid is chiefly a question of internal personal identity, and is therefore a psychological phenomenon.

There is no one way of being non-binary. The beauty of it is in the freedom of mind and expression, I think. There should be no rules. People should be allowed room to explore their gender, to self-determine what that is, to change it as much or as often as necessary, to not be gendered at all. 

People should know they can be just who they are, that they can identify or express how they choose, and that it's more than enough.

By knowing the differences between these terms, you can use them more appropriately and make a person of a different gender feel welcome and acknowledged. 

Properly identifying and addressing a person by their correct gender is one of the first steps to normalizing the way society accepts the different genders that exist.

Photo by  Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash