
Couples Coaching - Working Together To Build A Successful Relationship

Author :- Viloshni Moodley April 12, 2021, 6:01 p.m.
Couples Coaching - Working Together To Build A Successful Relationship

Creating and maintaining fulfilling relationships takes hard work and commitment. And it doesn't always come naturally to us.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you’ve experienced relationship problems. And you’re probably familiar with what happens when those problems don’t get resolved. As time goes on, unresolved problems may lead to grudges, insults, resentment, jealousy, insecurity, cheating, and eventually breakup or divorce.

If you’re struggling with your relationship or trying to salvage a broken one, you may decide to turn to professionals for guidance. That’s where a Couples Coach comes in.

I know what you’re thinking:

Don’t you mean a couple's therapist?

Well, not necessarily. Maybe couple’s therapy is indeed what will work best for you, but there’s a good chance it may not apply to you. Maybe your partner/ex would not be open to "therapy" even if it was sufficiently applicable to you.

What about a therapist just for me, not couples therapy?

Yes, therapy in general is going to apply to a lot more situations than couple’s therapy. But depending on your goals, couples coaching may still be a better fit for you than therapy.

To be clear, couples coaching isn’t a substitute for therapy - a couple's coach does not help treat mental related issues. Therapy focuses on mental health, whereas couples coaching focuses on your interpersonal and relationship goals.

Meeting your relationship coach

You can expect to:

Identify what you want to gain from coaching.

Discuss your past relationship and the current situation you're in.

Provide email or text transcripts you’ve had with your ex to help your coach understand your situation in greater depth.

Get an assessment of the core issues and turning points that led to the breakup.

Gain clarity on whether to move on or to attempt to reconnect after weighing the risks involved.

Receive a short and long-term strategy on how to reconnect with your ex and rebuild the relationship stronger and healthier.

Uncover coping strategies, limiting beliefs, and dysfunctional behavioral patterns that prevent you from moving forward.

Collaborate with your coach on exactly what to say or text your ex to help maximize your chances of achieving your goal.

Receive ongoing strategic and emotional support as your situation progresses. Learn what changes you can make to make healthier relationship decisions.

What not to expect:

You won’t get advice on entering, leaving, or maintaining an abusive relationship.

You won’t be coached if you’re having suicidal thoughts.

You won’t be diagnosed or treated for personality disorders, mental illnesses, or substance abuse.

You won’t get actionable advice on day-to-day challenges and struggles.

YOU need to do the work, so are YOU ready?

Originally published on Ultimacy Online.